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Deforested Lawu Mountain lead to clean water scarcity

Karanganyar, Ekuatorial – Massive deforestation at Lawu Mountain of Central Java led to clean water scarcity, said an expert on Thursday (12/2), in Karanganyar, Central Java.

“Research through aerial photo shown that vegetation in Lawu Mountain do not qualified as sufficient water catchment areas. The Lawu forest which majority covered with pine trees are now categorized as wasteful vegetation and not suitable as water conservation. As a result, water discharge decreasing significantly,” said Puguh Karyadi, ecology and environment lecturer at Sebelas Maret University adding that it had reached critical condition.

“From 30 springs in Lawu Mountain slopes, its water discharges have declined significantly,” said Karyadi.

Consequently, Suroso, director of Tirta Lawu Karanganyar Water Company said that they have to work hard to find new springs to add new water supplies.

“There is almost no water springs can be used in Karanganyar. The company obtain water from Gumeng Jenawi, Ngargoyoso, Karangpandan and Jatiyoso springs but their water discharges have been declining,” said Suroso.

He said that villagers have already obtained water from artesian well [deep well] located in Matesih, Jaten and Karanganyar Kota but still lack of water.

“It is why we need to locate new springs to anticipate decreasing water discharge,” he said. “During dry season, water discharge declining up to 30 percent because most of them were drying up.”

Furthermore, he said that they were looking in several locations, including Kerjo, Popongan, Ngringo and Dagen Bramantyo

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