WALHI underlines the critical role of students in protecting nature and the environment against threats and harms of investment in Papua.
Category: Papua
Uncovering Indonesia’s illegal shark trade [1]: Tracing shark fins from Papua to Java, and on to China
Hundreds of sharks and rays, some endangered and protected, are landed at various ports in Java. Journalist Asnawi finds there are no officials monitoring this trade.
Charles Toto: The forest is a cashless market for Papuans
Jungle Chef, Charles Toto explains how his ways of cooking using ingredients harvested from the forest is a way to preserve Papuan food culture and conserve the province’s lush rainforests.
Lives of 3000 people of Lemito threatened due to declining coral reefs in Tomini Bay
DEGORONTALO – Threatened coral reefs of Lemito sub district, Pohuwato, would eventually impacted its residents. “If coral reefs are destroyed then it will threaten food security, especially protein supply for 3,000 people of Lemito,” said Nilmawati of Destructive Fishing Watch (DFW), in a recent discussion held in AJI Gorontalo. Based on DFW data, fishermen of […]
Illegal logging in Papua can be bombed, Governor says
Sentani, Jubi –Governor of Papua Lukas Enembe said forests in Papua have been significantly damaged, including those in Paniai. When they are viewed from the air, there are no trees. “Thus geographically in 10-20 years from now, the two large islands of Papua and West Papua will drop out of the neck of the island […]
Lampung Port Police confiscates illegal turtles headed to Jakarta
Bandarlampung, Ekuatorial – Bakauheni port police confiscated 41 Asiatic softshell turtles (amyda certilaginea) with no official documents, said an official, in Bandarlampung, on Wednesday (25/3). Feria Kurniawan, head of Bakauheni Port Police, said that they were found at the back of a white truck with police number BH 8888 GU from Jambi headed to Jakarta. […]
Govt needs to protect biodiversity : Kehati Foundation
Jakarta, Ekuatorial – Indonesia’s local biodiversity food was threatened as a result from weak food security planning from government, said an activist in Jakarta, on Tuesday (20/1). MS Sembiring, executive director of Kehati Foundation, said plants such as sago, taro plant, and yam can be found in Papua and Maluku, tubers can be found in […]
Wind Power Station Project In Bantul Yet Completed Negotiation
The process of negotiating the purchase price of Wind Power Station (PLTB) that planned to be built along the south coast of Bantul end of this year seems to have not met the meeting point. Both sides between the Bantul district government as energy provider with the State Electricity Company (PLN) as the manager of […]
Negotiation Project PLTB In Bantul Haven’t Meet A Rally Point Yet
The process of negotiating the purchase price of Wind Electric Energy Power Station that has been planned to be built along the south coast of Bantul end of this year seems to have not met the meeting point. Both sides between the district government of Bantul as energy provider with the State Electricity Company as […]
Spatial Disorganization Triggered Environmental Damage
SIEJ, Jakarta – Agus Purnomo, president’s Special Staff for Climate Change considers that the condition of the cabinet of the Indonesian government currently inefficient. He explained that there is a tradition in Indonesia every new president then there will be a reshuffle or the addition of a new Ministry. Not to mention the decentralization of […]