Research identified 59 orangutan food plants, with over 50% having medicinal properties
Category: Kalimantan
Sustainable rattan, protecting habitat and improving the welfare of Kalimantan farmers
Rattan grows in need of trees as support. Sustainable rattan provides incentives for communities to conserve and restore forests.
Fires, encroachment and land conversion are the causes of forest loss in West Kalimantan.
A strategy that prioritizes sustainable development is needed to save West Kalimantan’s forests.
Orangutan dies in resident’s garden, back wound caused by sharp object
The death of the female orangutan was due to hunting or deliberate actions by humans, resulting in the killing of protected animals.
Loss of farmer life on industrial plantation in Kalimantan’s forest
The forced eviction of gardens in Lelayang Hamlet to use industrial forest plantations left local residents with deep trauma.
Striving for a mutually supportive life in the Mahakam Delta mangroves
From satellite it looks like a green fan, but the Mahakam Delta has lost more than half of its vegetation.
Balikpapan’s Manggar landfill turns waste into energy
The landfill turns waste into energy not only for its own use but for the residents surrounding its area. Much work is needed in domestic waste management.
Indonesia backs hydro to power new capital city
A dam with Chinese backing is slowly being built, but may impact Indigenous villages and the environment, Yovanda Isabella writes.
Irresponsible food estate
The food estate project in Central Kalimantan went into motion before relevant regulations and an environmental analysis were published. Prabowo Subianto and Moeldoko are behind companies running food estates.
Mobile app expected to draw interest in mangrove conservation
Ecotourism in West Kalimantan introduces an application for the adoption of mangrove trees. The community can support and monitor conservation efforts.