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Bireuen farmers threatened to slaughter elephants

Farmer demanded Aceh government to deal with wild elephant of Peudada before they take matters into their own hands.

Peudada farmers of Bireuen districts have threatened to kill wild elephants damaging their lands. They said they are forced to do it because the elephants are troubling.

“If we kill this protected animal, don’t blame use farmers because we have reported it many times to Bireuen district government through Forestry and Plantation Agency,” said one of the farmer who refused to be name.

Tengku Tahe, one of Aceh Transition Committee (KPA) of Bireuen, took the threat seriously. Tahe regretted if elephant killing would happen in the region, Aceh government will definitely blasted with protests from international world.

“On one side, we need to protect elephant as one of endangered species in the world. However, on the other hand, farmers are getting restless because one elephant can destroy 100 to 200 crops, such as oil palm and cacao. So, it’s very natural for farmers to be very angry towards elephants,” he said.

He had asked Aceh government to deal with wild elephants in Peudada before farmers did it on their own ways. It is feared that what farmers might have done can damage Aceh government and Indonesia’s reputation in global community.

Furthermore, villagers suspected that elephants running amok in their plantations are actually domesticated elephants. Pomeurah, local language for domesticated elephant, was deliberately released by certain people for not being able to feed them.

“Because, there are only three elephants in that herd and one adult elephant was already killed. So, when farmers chase them down, they did not want to run to the forest and they didn’t grow in numbers also,” he said. [] Report : Idris Kasem from Bireuen

The article has been published at Atjeh Post, member of Ekuatorial content syndication.

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