Dead Springs Along Mount Arjuna

For the past 20 years, dozens of water springs on the slopes of Mount Arjuna in Pasuruan district, East Java, have been considered dead springs, or springs that no longer produce water. Out of 41 springs, there are currently only 11 functioning. The destruction of the Raden Soerjo protected forest (Tahura) is considered to be […]

New flasher wrasse species discovered in Indonesia

A new fish of the flasher wrasse species with striking orange color and rounded fins has been found in Indonesia’s coral reefs, a conservation group announced Wednesday. The species was named Paracheilinus rennyae in recognition of the scientific contributions of ichthyologist Renny Kurnia Hadiaty from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences.

Rafflesia Flower Blooms in Bengkulu

A Raflessia arnoldi flower has been in bloom in the forest of Liku Sembilan, Central Bengkulu, for the past few days. Passersby have been stopping by the site to witness and capture this rare and unique experience.

Bengkulu Elephant Dies of Poison

A 27-year-old elephant named Yanti that belongs to Elephant Training Centre (PLG) in Putri Hijau sub-district, North Bengkulu Regency, Bengkulu, has been found dead with bleedings on her eyes, ears, mouth and genital on Thursday. She was suspected of being poisoned.

Protecting Whales in the Savu Sea

A humpback whale calf bravely swam around a survey ship owned by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in the waters of the Savu Sea, East Nusa Tenggara, during the beginning of this month. Its mother could be seen spewing water from her back for a brief moment, then diving back into the waters.

Illegal Liger Discovered in Bogor

A liger, a cross-breed between a lion and a tiger, was found posh villa located somewhere in Bogor. The animal was believed to be illegally bred by humans as cross-breeding of these two species can endanger the existence of the wildlife.    

Govt opposed to mining in Raja Ampat

Minister for the Environment, Balthasar Kambuaya, has said he would reject any proposal for mining operations in the Raja Ampat regency of West Papua. “I have already told my staff to reject any such proposal in Raja Ampat,” Balthasar said in Manokwari as quoted by the Antara news agency on Friday.