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Karanganyar empties its landfills to contain increased waste during Ramadan

Karanganyar, Ekuatorial – Anticipating increased waste volume during holiday season, Karanganyar Sanitary and Park agency emptied available landfills in the area, said a senior official, on Monday (20/7).

The agency predicted 20 percent rise of waste volume during seven days before Muslims’ Eid al-fitr celebration and a few days after celebration, especially tourists’ areas.

“We anticipated [waste volume rise] by emptying landfills in Karanganyar. It’s our effort, our target is to manage all of those waste though most of those waste should have been managed by other districts,” said Titis, head of the agency citing that tourists from Sukoharjo, Wonogiri, Boyolali, Sragen, Klaten, and Solo most likely to visit the city’s famous tourist site, Tawangmangu.

Furthermore, Titis, who goes by one name, said a total of 415 cubic meter of waste coming to Sukosari landfill on daily basis. Most of those wastes were from Colomadu, Jaten, Kebakkramat, Karanganyar, Tasikmadu, Gondangrejo, and Karangpandan subdistricts.

“From a total of 425 cubic meter waste per day, nearly a third coming from Colomadu. They’re mostly domestic waste,” she said adding that Sukosari landfill can still be operating in the next 20 years. Bramantyo

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