Fertilizers Scarcity and El Nino Threatens Rice Production in West Java

Head of Agriculture and Foodstuffs of West Java Diden Trisnadi expressed concern about the threats that will be faced by farmers, that is the scarcity of fertilizers and the El Nino phenomenon. El Nino threatens rice production due to the long dry season drought that could lead to drought. Department of Agriculture anticipates the possibility […]

Yogyakarta Enters Dry Season

Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) has entered the dry season and will continue until October. Throughout the season, the potential for drought-scale disturbances will prolong for about 1 month. That’s because the impact of a weak El Niño storms. Local people are encouraged to be aware of areas prone to drought. [Read full text on […]

Agriculture and Forestry to Mitigate Climate Change, IPCC Chairman Talks

The agriculture and forestry sectors play a crucial role in climate change mitigation, the world’s top climate change expert said Tuesday (6/5), calling for action ahead of the next round of negotiations on a new agreement to replace the Kyoto Protocol. “The path we have to follow is very clear if the world wants to […]

[:id]Nyepi, Tradisi Konservasi Berusia 2000 Tahun

Selain Earth Hour yang dikenal dunia, orang Bali ternyata punya tradisi konservasi energi melalui Hari Raya Nyepi sejak 2000 tahun lalu. Kini mereka juga punya Nyepi Segara untuk memulihkan kualitas sumberdaya laut dan pesisir. Di penghujung Maret ini, dunia akan merayakan indahnya konservasi.  Acara hemat energi versi WWF yakni Earth Hour  digelar pada malam tanggal 29 […]