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28 billion rupiah prepared to revitalize Tondano lake, says official

Tondano, Ekuatorial – After being postponed for a year, Minahasa government will finally resume Tondano Lake revitalization project immediately, said a senior official, on Tuesday (9/6), in Tondano.

The government had prepared Rp 28 billion (US$ 2.1 million) for the project.

“Because this revitalization is for public interest, especially for Minahasa and North Sulawesi. We are hoping that the development will be supported by all Minahasans,” said Jeffry Korengkeng, Minahasa regional secretary referring to last year’s dispute on land acquisition with owners.

Tondano lake, which covers 4,638 hectares, has been pivotal to Minahasa people, economically and environmentally. Due to severe degradation, the lake has been causing massive floods recently in Manado.

Marthen Rondo, lecturer of Marine and Fisheries at Manado’s Sam Ratulangi University, said that Tondano lake ecosystem was damaged because of exploitative natural resources management.

“Source of Tondano lake ecosystem damages is environmental degradation in water catchment areas because of bad land management and forest logging,” said Rondo. “It then lead to erosion, sedimentation, and siltation of the lake.”

Furthermore, he added household, agriculture, farming and other wastes have contributed on polluting the water.

“The worst is fish death because of water pollution and disease. Meanwhile, Tondano lake is the hope and source of living for at least 126,953 people of Langowan, Kakas, Tompaso, Remboken, Tondano, Toulimembet and Eris districts,” he said.Yoseph Ikanubun

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