Endangered, Mangrove Forests of Aceh Tamiang

Aceh Tamiang, Ekuatorial – Mangrove forests in Aceh Tamiang, Aceh, endangered because of illegal logging as charcoal. “It occurs every day, even in areas that are being rehabilitated,” said Deputy Head of Security Unit in Forest Management Unit, Region III Aceh, Elvian, Tuesday (11/8). Neighborhood security patrols discovered dozens of fishing boat contains of 60 […]

Natural Resources Conflict in Riau Still High

Pekanbaru, Ekuatorial – Riau province still ranks first in the issue of natural resource conflicts. The first half of 2015, Sustainable Social Development Partnership (Scale Up) record 31 conflicts occurred in Riau forestry and plantation sector due to the chaotic permit. Harry Oktavian, executive director of Scale Up in July 2014 said that the highest […]

Gum Rubber Theft Foiled by Rangers

Medan, Ekuatorial – The Great Hall of the Gunung Leuser National Park (BBTNGL) arrested gum rubber thieves and seized 8.5 tons of evidence. Two trucks carrying gum rubber ambushed at Sawit Sebrang Street, Padang Tualang, August 2, 2015, at midnight. Public Relations of BBTNGL, Rahmat Saleh said officers conducted surveillance after receiving information from the […]

Lawu Slopes Flammables During Drought

Ekuatorial, Wonogiri – 6,000 hectares of Perhutani (State-owned Forest Enterprises) land in North Lawu Forest identified as flammables areas during drought. The flammable region is in plot 63, which are located near the peak of Mount Lawu. Slopes in the Karanganyar and Wonogiri lose a lot of water sources because it did not rain. To […]

Gemstone mining in Tincep village destroys forest

Tondano, Ekuatorial – Massive gemstone mining in Minahasa had taken its toll potentially damaging forest areas in Tincep village, Sonder district, Minahasa, Tincep head village, Rommy Dapu, said that villagers kept on hunting for gemstone and were difficult to be stopped. Up to Monday (6/7), local villagers have managed to dig at least to 20 […]

Police investigates orangutan burning posted on facebook

Pangkalan Bun, Ekuatorial – After mounting protests through social media, police and West Kotawaringin Natural Resources Conservation Agency tracked down facebook account owner which displayed a man burning an orangutan. Officials managed to track down the truck’s plate, KH 9563 GC, which was shown in the ‘Polo Panitia Hari Kiamat’ page to West Kotawaringin (Kobar), […]

Houses for Sinabung refugees will be completed in August, says Governor

Kabanjahe, Ekuatorial – North Sumatra Gatot Pujo Nugroho promised that settlements for Sinabung refugees will be completed in August. “Starting on Sunday, forestry agency had already cut down trees [to built houses]. We hope that they can immediately move to those houses,” said Nugroho adding that 128 units were still in completion. Out of 370 […]

28 billion rupiah prepared to revitalize Tondano lake, says official

Tondano, Ekuatorial – After being postponed for a year, Minahasa government will finally resume Tondano Lake revitalization project immediately, said a senior official, on Tuesday (9/6), in Tondano. The government had prepared Rp 28 billion (US$ 2.1 million) for the project. “Because this revitalization is for public interest, especially for Minahasa and North Sulawesi. We […]

Violations found in Lampung’s community forest

Bandarlampung, Ekuatorial – Officials found violation on community forest practice in Ulubelu subdistrict, Tanggamus district of Lampung recently, where local people planted coffee and other crops instead of hard woods. “If they don’t immediately plant hard wood, it’s possible that their permits will be revoked and be given to other communities suitable to manage the […]