Indonesian biodiversity will be set into a long-term development plan (RPJP – Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang) and the national medium-term development plan (RPJMN – Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional) as the capital base of development. It is expressed by Head of Bappenas (Badan Perencanaan dan Pembanguna Nasional – The National Development Planning Agency), Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, during book “Status Kekinian Keanekaragaman Hayati Indonesia” (Indonesian Current Biodiversity Status) soft launching held by the Ministry of Environment, on Monday (28/4).

Evaluating similar books published in 2003 where it is not accompanied by concrete action plans such as the regional assignments and funding access, Armida said this year his staff will give serious attention to it. “Regulation and institutional should be two additional points which ideally included in this book.” he said.

This book written by researchers from government institutions and NGO contains aspects of wealth, utilization, and biodiversity protection in Indonesia. As explained by Ibnu Maryanto LIPI researchers (Indonesian Institute of Sciences), which at once became one of the editors, this book will be one important reference to implement the mandate found on Act No.11 about Nagoya protocol ratification in 2013 about access to fair and balanced genetic resources and profit sharing that arise from its utility on the convention of biological diversity.

Beside that, this book also will upgrade the strategy and biodiversity action plan in Indonesia (IBSAP) period 2014-2020. Ibnu appreciated the policy taken by Bappenas to insert biodiversity as one important issues. Red-list released by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) about the biological richness of Indonesia is increasing all the time. “Multisektor cooperation is required so the amazing potential owned by this country not only as beautiful story in the future.” he added.

The same thing was delivered by the minister of environment, Balthasar Kambuaya. He explains that this book can be a basic information document in its economic valuation and conservation efforts in order to support Indonesia’s commitment toward conservation and sustainable development. “Thus, diversity as a capital base of development can be used continuously for public welfare and create prosperity for Indonesian people,” he said. Azhari Fauzi.

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