Permit is an instrument for control : Minister of Environment and Forestry

Jakarta, Ekuatorial – Three major issues, regulation, campaign, and permit, will be crucial for environment ministry to tackle, said Siti Nurbaya, Minister of Environment and Forestry, in Jakarta, on Wednesday (29/10). “Permit is an instrument for control. So, it should be corrected to the public that permit is not a transaction,” Nurbaya said adding that […]

Decline forest areas trigger man-elephant conflict in Lampung

Bandarlampung, Ekuatorial – Declining forest areas had increased elephant and human conflict in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, in Lampung, said an activist recently. Ali Rizqi Arasyi, Park Management Coordinator of WWF Project Lampung, said that habitat loss triggered elephants ravaging villagers’ plantations and houses, especially Sukaraja village of Tanggamus district, Pemerihan and Sumberejo villages […]

Actors of Forest Fires In Riau Should Be Punished

More than 70 percent of fires occur outside the forest area. 99 percent of land and forest fires are due to human intentionally burned. Despite repeated smoke haze in Riau occurred every year, but the fact of forest fire are still happening. Based on the observation satellites Terra and Aqua recorded 286 hotspots in Sumatra […]

Lorentz National Park Status as World Heritage Threatened Terminated

Deforestation in Papua is threatening natural reservation programs that carried out at the Lorentz National Park and UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) may revoke its status as a world heritage site. The government has implemented several efforts to preserve the world heritage sites in order to satisfy UNESCO. [Read full text on […]

East Aceh Forest Service Secure Logs Without Document

East Aceh Forest Service securing 10 Kruing logs result of illegal logging, in Bireum Bayeun, Langsa, Aceh. Chief of the agency said that this non-document timber is taken from the business due location of PT. Mopoli Kingdom. [Read full text on Aceh Terkini]

Bandung Faces Clean Water Crisis

Bandung and its neighboring areas are now under threat of clean water crisis due to the rampant construction of buildings in the northern part of the city. Consequently, those buildings have made rainwater dumped into the river. “Previously, the land absorbed the rainwater,” said President Director of the city water tap company, (PDAM) Tirtawening, Bandung, Pian […]

Giant Clams Conservation in Toli-Toli

Giant clams cultivation in Toli-Toli village, Soropia, Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi initiates by locals independently. They who are members of the group of Toli-toli Giant Clams Ocean Park Conservation Center since the last two years has been cultivated around 8000 of giant clams in various types and sizes. The loss of giant clams in the waters […]