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Environmental Law Enforcement Sector Should be Emphasized

“There is no fire due to dry weather, 98 % investigation result, fire land caused because there’s someone who burns, said Sudariyono, Deputy of Legal Environment, Ministry of Environment (MOE) on the morning discussions at the BBPT Jakarta (15/4).

Suasana diskusi Pemicu Kebakaran Hutan do Gd. BPPT Jakarta (15/4). Foto: Januar Hakam
Discussion of Forest Fire Triggers: Identification and Comprehensive Solution, Jakarta (15/4). Photo by: Januar Hakam

MOE is currently working in law enforcement related cases land burning in Riau since June 2013. “By 2014 there are 46 companies that allegedly involved in land burning cases and 23 of them have continued to stage of investigation. All companies will be sued in criminal and civil litigation, said Sudariyono.

The temperature of the dry peat, which reaches 70 degrees celsius is suspected to be the cause of the land burning. “This momentum used by businessman to ease and minimize cost especially by HTI (Hutan Tanaman Industri – Industrial Plantation Forests) and palm,” said Teguh Surya from Greenpeace campaign division. He also feels there are indications of letting the land burning because no fire extinguishing efforts from the government and companies.

Andika Putraditama from World Resource Institute (WRI) said the loss due to the land burning in Riau reached 10 trillion rupiah and as many as 58,000 people in Riau suffered from respiratory disorder. Study from WRI showed 35% from 2,739 firespots in Riau detected is in the moratorium area by the period February-March 2014. “Even for protected areas often encountered this phenomenon. From this fact, no wonder if the moratorium policy in urban district cannot be fully implemented,” said Andika.

He also said that we need to pay more attention to Riau because 58% firespot detected in Indonesia this last one y ear occurring in Riau. Even four districts in Riau (Bengkalis, Rokan Hilir, Palalawan and Siak) apparently contribute for half (52%) of the annual fire spot in Indonesia. “Riau is the main contributor of carbon emissions producers in Indonesia, 27% of the annual emissions in Indonesia derived from Riau,” said him.

Answering the solution that can be done to land burning, Teguh said there are four main points: 1) forming permission for peat full protection, 2) prohibits new land, and HTI in peat, 3) requires reexamination concessions in peat and 4) management according to the characteristics of peat itself, for example using native plants without making the canal.

According to Teguh, the existing law is actually strong enough to catch arsonists and companies such as Act No. 41 about forestry, Act No.18 about the plantation, PP (Government Regulation) No. 4, 2001 concerns the control of environmental damage related to forest fires and other regulations. But, the weak implementation of law led to case stalled and even many are not touched by law.

Teguh said that there’s company that since ten years ago never processed or the case stalled. “No wonder land fires continue to occur,” he said. Januar Hakam & Azhari Fauzi

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