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BNPB launched integrated data on population and natural disaster

Jakarta, Ekuatorial – National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) on Thursday (27/11) launched graphic information which integrated disaster and demographic data for each provinces. Its aim is for regional governments to related population with disaster risk management.

“We are having difficulties on mapping out population of elderly, toddlers, and people with special needs before disaster, emergency, and post-disaster,” said Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, head of data, information and spokesman for BNPB at the launching event, in Jakarta.

West Java Graphic Info, 43 million people are vulnerable to floods, landslides, and waterspouts.

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The graphic information is accompanied with interesting visualization and easy format for public to understand. It includes information on maps with population, education level, food resilience, employment, natural disasters, health information, and water and sanitation data. Basic information used were Data dan Informasi Bencana Indonesia (DIBI), Disaster Recovery Index, and data Indonesia Post Disaster Needs Assessment (IPDNA).

To compile the graphic information, BNPB collaborated with five institutions, — Indonesian Statistic Agency (BPS), United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), World Food Programme (WFP), and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Beate Trankmann, director of UNDP Indonesia said that graphic information that integrated population data with disaster information was considered as innovative and the best in South East Asia. “In the future, we hope to have similar information for smaller scales, particularly on districts and cities,” said Trankmann.

Jose Ferraris, UNFPA representative in Indonesia, said nearly 97 percent of Indonesians were living in disaster prone areas. “Studies from UNFPA, BNPB, and BPS are the foundation for developing graphic information on 33 provinces,” said Ferraris. Clara Rondonuwu

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