Solo, Ekuatorial – A team of research center for natural disaster of Sebelas Maret University on Tuesday (16/12) developed idea to built early warning system which can be accessed through text messaging, WhatsApp and android.
Early warning system had already been installed in Bengawan solo river but it does not working properly. ” For instance, area A was flooded and alert status had been applied. But, the water did not reach Pandak village [Sidoarjo sub-district],” said Sorja Koesuma, one of the team member referring to the village which was chosen as the first project for the application. Pandak village, located at the meeting point of Bengawan Solo and Mungkung rivers, has been flooded regularly due to Bengawan Solo river overflow.
Koesuma said that the device would make sluice guards’ job easier to check water level as all information would sent to short messages system (SMS) to them, along with village heads, the university team, and natural disaster post.
“The message will be delivered to at least nine village officials, including sluice guards and village heads, before delivered to other villagers,” he said adding that the system was funded independently by the team and cost for Rp 5 million (US$ 403).
Furthermore, he said that the system was using Global Positioning System or GPS and made to report for six hours when reach alert status. “If it’s on standby then it [the information] will be sent every six hours,” he said. “If the danger is increasing, the texts will be sent within two to one hour depending on the level. When it’s reaching highest level of danger, then people would have an hour to evacuate.”
A more sophisticated system was also installed in Ngampel village, Balong sub-district, Ponorogo, East Java, which can be monitored from long distance. “The system would also be installed in prone areas such as Bojonegoro,” he said. “They have not installed in Solo because of lack of funding.” Bramantyo