A documentary film on artisanal coal mining in Muara Enim, South Sumatera, Indonesia.

Continuous coal mining over a century has created a harsh reality for the people of Muara Enim, South Sumatera, one of Indonesia’s “black gold” fields rich in natural resources. In this film, the stories of ordinary people from Muara Enim are intertwined in a space filled with thick dust, noisy trucks hauling coal, vulnerable working conditions, and human tragedy.

The film, Daun Telah Jadi Abu (dalam Tiga Kisah) (Triptych from the Burning Land), was produced by Atmakanta Studio for Project Multatuli and was released on December 18, 2021.

A production by Atmakanta Studios and Project Multatuli

The film is based on Viriya Singgih’s report for Project Multatuli on artisanal coal mining in Indonesia entitled “Life and Death in Muara Enim, Indonesia’s ‘Dirty Energy Barn.'”

Read also: In coal-hungry Indonesia, dirty fuels are made ‘renewable’

Producer, Drafter and Director: Kirmizi
Audiovisual Editor: Annapurna K.
Author: Viriya Singgih
Cinematography and Photography: Rafael Miku Beding
Assistant Writer: Hafidz Trijatnika
Interviewers: Viriya Singgih, Rafael Miku Beding, and Hafidz Trijatnika
Translators: Viriya Singgih and Annapurna K.
Trailer and Caption Editor: Annapurna K.
Publication: Astaka and Alfa Gumilang
Synopsis: Kirmizi and Viriya Singgih
Transcript: Annapurna K.

This film was produced with support from Internews’ Earth Journalism Network and was originally released by Atmakanta Studios and Project Multatuli in Indonesian, with English subtitles, on 18 December 2021.

About the writer

Viriya Singgih

Viriya has experience in covering a wide range of issues in including energy, mining, macroeconomics and politics for various media organisations including Bloomberg News and The Jakarta Post. In 2015...

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