Climate Change Affects Malaria Case in Ternate

Ekuatorial, Ternate – Climate change impacts in Ternate, North Maluku province was quite noticeably. The rainy season is currently unable to predict again when the start and end, often change with the heat at the moment should have already entered the rainy season in the region. It is as expressed by Mohamad Riva, head of […]

Red Alarm from South Konawe’s Sea

Fishermen in South Konawe coastal, Southeast Sulawesi, has felt the impact of climate change. Data from Department of Marine and Fisheries of South Konawe in collaboration with Indonesia Marine and Climate Support (IMACS) in ten villages shows a trend of climate change has a serious impact on the income level of the fishermen. In addition, […]

Impact of El Nino, Yogyakarta Threatened Long Drought

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (BMKG) Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) estimates that in 2014 the dry season will be longer, due to the impact of El-Nino, ie from August to November. However, it is predicted that the impact is relatively lower than the El Nino in 1997. DIY BMKG appealed, so that areas prone […]

Tarakan Spatial Using Climate Change Risk Study

As a small island that is typical with almost 80% of the population living in coastal areas, Tarakan island in North Borneo, is vulnerable to climate change impacts such as rising sea levels and extreme conditions of the La Nina storms and waves. The study of risk and adaptation to climate change on Tarakan was […]

80% of Disasters in Indonesia Due to Climate Change

The last three decades, disasters that happened in Indonesia linked to climate change. The ministry of Environment urged that climate change adaptation step synergized with efforts to reduce disaster risk. Thus, said Arief Yuwono, Deputy for environmental damage and climate change control in coordination meeting of the climate change adaptation program in JW Marriott Hotel […]

Pessimism on REDD+ Agency, Extant

Jakarta, Ekuatorial – “We feel pessimistic this project will go well,” said Deddy Ratih Walhi Program Development Manager when responding to REDD+ project in indonesia to Ekuatorial (24/4). Deddy felt that the duties, functions and workload of REDD is huge and and there are a lot of structural problems. Walhi’s pessimism contrasts with optimism from […]

[:id]Nyepi, Tradisi Konservasi Berusia 2000 Tahun

Selain Earth Hour yang dikenal dunia, orang Bali ternyata punya tradisi konservasi energi melalui Hari Raya Nyepi sejak 2000 tahun lalu. Kini mereka juga punya Nyepi Segara untuk memulihkan kualitas sumberdaya laut dan pesisir. Di penghujung Maret ini, dunia akan merayakan indahnya konservasi.  Acara hemat energi versi WWF yakni Earth Hour  digelar pada malam tanggal 29 […]

The Sinking of Bedono

HIS vest bears an inkblot stain on its pocket. Yet every time he leaves the house for his round, Head of Bedono Village Mualipin never forget to put the tainted vest on top of his official uniform. This vest means something – it sends an important message. That afternoon, we stand at the end of a damaged bridge which cut the access that […]