Govt needs to protect biodiversity : Kehati Foundation

Jakarta, Ekuatorial – Indonesia’s local biodiversity food was threatened as a result from weak food security planning from government, said an activist in Jakarta, on Tuesday (20/1). MS Sembiring, executive director of Kehati Foundation, said plants such as sago, taro plant, and yam can be found in Papua and Maluku, tubers can be found in […]

Scientists : Climate change threaten Indonesia’s food security

Jakarta, Ekuatorial – Scientists on Monday (29/12) dubbed climate change as big threat for Indonesia’s food security as there were decreasing pollinators leading to declining plants productivity. “With three to nine percent natural pollinators decreasing can contribute to drastic decline of crops and plantation productivity. Even a research in US stated that pollination by bees […]

Forest Loss Undermine Food Security In Indonesia

Forest loss just does not help food security in Indonesia, according to a high official World Food Programme (WFP), food assistance agency of the United Nations. Indonesian food supply chain focused on rice, corn and other cereals rich in energy but low in nutrients, said Myrta Kaulard, WFP country director in Indonesia. Read full text […]