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Scientists : Climate change threaten Indonesia’s food security

Jakarta, Ekuatorial – Scientists on Monday (29/12) dubbed climate change as big threat for Indonesia’s food security as there were decreasing pollinators leading to declining plants productivity.

“With three to nine percent natural pollinators decreasing can contribute to drastic decline of crops and plantation productivity. Even a research in US stated that pollination by bees in the country can gain US$ 14.6 billion benefit,” said Nurul L. Winarni, researcher at Research Center for Climate Change – University of Indonesia, or RCCC-UI, in a seminar held in Depok, West Java adding that researches revealed 70 percent of plants depending on pollination.

Furthermore, she said that climate change has increased pest infection and plant diseases which also contributed to decreasing productivity. In addition, fruits were also prone to climate change impacts as changing climate weather and weather affecting their cycles.

jatna Supriyatna, head of RCCC-UI said that local species was more prone to climate change compare to introduced species in relation to their pests. “If local species and its natural parasites would always be there but if its introduced [species], it does not mean that its pests are here,” said Supriyatna. “Climate change trigger harvest failure as farmers are finding it difficult to determine to plant as changing weather.”

However, he said that important element to achieve food security was through agriculture adaptation, for instance with genetic modification technology to yield high quality seeds which were drought resistant, pest and disease resistant. “Technology and research are just crucial for food security especially due to climate change as it will increase productivity,” he said. Januar Hakam

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