Gita Pertiwi’s research shows that single-use plastic bags in a number of markets in Solo reach 4,452 pieces per day.
Tag: Food Security
Charles Toto: The forest is a cashless market for Papuans
Jungle Chef, Charles Toto explains how his ways of cooking using ingredients harvested from the forest is a way to preserve Papuan food culture and conserve the province’s lush rainforests.
Anggalia Putri: The government must be transparent about its food estate program
The government includes the food estate program in the 2020-2024 National Strategic Program. The Sustainable Madani Foundation pushes for a common definition of food estate, open planning, and optimization of existing agricultural land.
One Islamic Boarding School Offers More: Building Resilience for Food Security
The Al-Ittifaq Islamic boarding school has become a model of how a religious institution can achieve self-sufficiency in the food sector through farming. Not only cultivating food for its students, but Al-Ittifaq has even been able to distribute its agricultural products to traditional markets and supermarkets.
Female Farmers Spearheading Movement to Increase Corn Rice Consumption
With abundant production of corn, Grobogan district administration aims to transform corn rice into alternative staple. A continuous effort in empowering its female farmers to process corn into more consumer-friendly products, may come into fruition. Read more.
South Sulawesi Indigenous Kaluppini Preserves Tradition Through Local Crop
Long time crop in South Sulawesi, jewawut or known as millet, is nearly abandoned by local people following challenges to develop the plant. Kaluppini tribe of Enrekang district, South Sulawesi, continue to grow the plant to preserve their indigenous ceremony and maintain their cultural identity.
Reducing Rice Dependency, North Maluku Swtiches to Sago for Staple Food
North Maluku administration is gearing up to leave its dependence on rice and switch to sago, its local food. The local government is planning to reinforce the consumption sago through policies and technology. A move that was met with enthusiasm by local people who are struggling to keep up with the rising price of rice. Read full report here.
Hydroponic Farming, Entryway to Learning And Behavioral Change
Teachers of 213 State Junior High School of East Jakarta took a different approach to teach their students about natural sciences. The greening initiative quickly shift to learning how to grow their own food and better understanding of how and where food comes from.
Deforestation leads to food insecurity for Lampung
Bandarlampung, Ekuatorial – Water crisis resulted from environmental degradation would lead to decreasing rice production in Lampung. Hence, rice security targeted by the province in 2015 will not be achieved, said an activist on Friday (30/1), in Lampung. Job Carles, Lampung based WWF Project Manager, said that Lampung’s rice production was declining, especially in Tanggamus […]
Govt needs to protect biodiversity : Kehati Foundation
Jakarta, Ekuatorial – Indonesia’s local biodiversity food was threatened as a result from weak food security planning from government, said an activist in Jakarta, on Tuesday (20/1). MS Sembiring, executive director of Kehati Foundation, said plants such as sago, taro plant, and yam can be found in Papua and Maluku, tubers can be found in […]