Deforestation leads to food insecurity for Lampung

Bandarlampung, Ekuatorial – Water crisis resulted from environmental degradation would lead to decreasing rice production in Lampung. Hence, rice security targeted by the province in 2015 will not be achieved, said an activist on Friday (30/1), in Lampung. Job Carles, Lampung based WWF Project Manager, said that Lampung’s rice production was declining, especially in Tanggamus […]

Govt needs to protect biodiversity : Kehati Foundation

Jakarta, Ekuatorial – Indonesia’s local biodiversity food was threatened as a result from weak food security planning from government, said an activist in Jakarta, on Tuesday (20/1). MS Sembiring, executive director of Kehati Foundation, said plants such as sago, taro plant, and yam can be found in Papua and Maluku, tubers can be found in […]