Warga desa Baktisegara, Bali kembangkan alat bantu untuk mendorong pertumbuhan lamun untuk ekosistem yang lestari dan taraf hidup lebih baik.
Since 2011, Kardian Narayana has been pursuing photography and videography. In 2013, he was introduced to the world of broadcasting by joining Nirwana TV (Jawa Post Group). In 2015, he joined Kompas TV as a news contributor in Buleleng, Bali. In 2022, Kardian received an Analog Switch Off fellowship organized by the Indonesian Television Journalists Association (IJTI) and the Ministry of Communication and Information, and an IJTI Occupational Health and Safety fellowship. Apart from being a TV journalist, Kardian is also active in Mahima Community, as the manager of the film division, responsible for the production, distribution, and screening of short films in Mahima Community since 2017. From 2019-2023, he Indonesia Raja (short film programmer network throughout Indonesia) as a short film programmer. Kardian was also involved in the Bali-International Short Film Festival Minikino Film Week, both as a judge and panelist. In 2020, he was involved as a documentary filmmaker in a pandemic program for the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. In 2021, Kardian founded the Singaraja Menonton (Singaraja Watches) film community which often holds monthly film screenings and discussions in the Buleleng region of Bali.