President Jokowi reiterates his pledges for indigenous people

Jakarta, Ekuatorial – After several delays, indigenous people representatives finally met with President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo who reiterated his pledges to solve their problems, especially on land conflicts and discrimination, in the palace, on Thursday (25/6). “It was a very remarkable meeting because the President welcomes all of AMAN’s [People’s Alliance of the Archipelago] ideas […]

AMAN calls for national reconciliation between the state and indigenous peoples

Jakarta, Ekuatorial — Indigenous people’s alliance in Indonesia calls for national reconciliation between the government and indigenous peoples after long abandonment by the state, said Abdon Nababan, secretary general of Indigenous People’s Alliance of the Archipelago (AMAN), in Jakarta, on Tuesday (10/3). “[The government] needs to start national reconciliation immediately. If not, I am afraid […]

‘If Not Us Then Who’ campaign launched in Indonesia

Jakarta, Ekuatorial — Five short documentaries of how Indonesia’s indigenous people struggle and sacrifice to protect their forests hit Jakarta’s Antara Gallery, March 10-18. The screening is part of the ‘If Not Us Then Who’ campaign, a two year project aiming to communicate indigenous people’s experience in protecting forests. “We want to tell the world […]

Indigenous people task force is urgent, but no deadline set

Jakarta, Ekuatorial — To ensure land acquisitions for infrastructure development run smoothly, government is currently setting up an agency tasked to deal with indigenous people although no specific deadline has been set, said a special staff, in Jakarta, on Tuesday (10/3). The task force was initiated by Indigenous People’s Alliance of the Archipelago (AMAN) to […]

Masyarakat Adat Desak Pemerintah Bentuk Satgas Khusus

Jakarta, Ekuatorial – Gagal untuk meloloskan undang-undang baru tahun ini, aliansi masyarakat adat mendesak pemerintah untuk membentuk satuan tugas (satgas), untuk menyusun kerangka kerja yang mengakui hak-hak masyarakat adat. Demikian diungkapkan Abdon Nababan, Sekretaris Jenderal Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN), di Jakarta, Senin (16/ 2). “AMAN telah bekerja sama dengan sekretaris kabinet untuk menyusun sebuah […]

AMAN reminds Jokowi on his promise to acknowledge indigenous people

Jakarta, Ekuatorial – After failed to secure opportunity to pass the law this year, indigenous people’s alliance on Monday (16/2) reminded President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo on his promises to support the recognition and acknowledgment of indigenous people in Indonesia. During his presidential campaign, Jokowi and Jusuf ‘JK’ Kalla had promised to speed up the process […]

BP REDD+ Bantah Dilebur ke KLHK

Jakarta, Ekuatorial – Menanggapi isu peleburan BP REDD+ ke dalam Direktorat Jendral Pengendalian Perubahan Iklim, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK), Heru Prasetyo selaku Kepala BP REDD+ pada Jumat (9/1) mengatakan isu tersebut tidak benar. Adapun ia menjelaskan bahwa ia benar telah bertemu dengan Ibu Menteri KLHK, Siti Nurbaya untuk membahas beberapa hal penting terkait […]

Pemerintah Terima 517 Peta Wilayah Adat

Jakarta, Ekuatorial – Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (Aman), Senin (22/12) menyerahkan 517 peta wilayah adat kepada pemerintah, melalui Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK). Abdon Nababan, Sekretaris Jendral Aman mengatakan, peta-peta ini merupakan hasil kerja bertahun-tahun dalam proses pembuatannya. “Kami serahkan 517 peta wilayah adat dengan luas total wilayah 4.822.299 hektar,” ucap Abdon dalam acara […]

Tujuh Kabupaten Akui Hutan Adat

Jakarta, Ekuatorial – Setahun setelah putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) tentang pengakuan hutan adat. Sampai Jumat (3/10), baru tujuh kabupaten di Indonesia yang mengakui adanya masyarakat hukum adat di wilayahnya. Ketujuh wilayah tersebut antara lain Kabupaten Pidie, Aceh Barat, Tanah Datar, Pasaman, Morowali, Lebak, dan Luwu Utara. Zulfikar Arma, dari Aceh Barat mengatakan bahwa pemerintah Aceh […]